Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Symphony comes to town again. Encore.

Another summer. Another concert. Another year has rushed by.

A year since I wrote the first piece for this blog about the NC Symphony's annual concert on the Town Common.

Today, with temperatures reaching 100 and the heat index climbing above it, the powers that be decreed a change of venue. Over the course of the afternoon, the change was accomplished, picnic plans were hastily cancelled, and families with kids made last minute decisions about whether "everyone" would enjoy the music as well indoors as they had "out."

As late as 7:00, thirty minutes before the curtain rose, the place was deserted. Had everyone just blown it off due to the heat or the indoor setting?

By 7:15, however, the audience was pouring in.

By 7:30, the concert had started; all eyes were focused forward, and the triple digit temperatures melted away outside. Instead, the music warmed and mesmerized us for an hour and fifteen minutes.

Then we soared to encore, "I'll Fly Away."

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